May 2, 2010

Nor KLIA Wedding

Ingat tak entry bulan lepas pasal Farewell Kak Nor KLIA??
Me n friends pergi wedding dia hari nih...
Hari nie wedding dia ade 2 session..
Siang and malam...
2-2 I pergi Okayy!!
Suppose nak support my friend si Zureen. Yelaaa boss dia kawen kan..
Tup tup, minah n lak cancell nak g wedding belah malam...
Seb bek ade kak mashitah..
nih la kak mastura n zureen
Ini saya n kak mas serta anak2 nya...
Ini la pengantin nye...
Seronok tengok!!
Kenduri nie kat Bangi lama..
Ini di putrajaya..
Cantek kan??
Semoga berbahagia En Hairul & Kak Nor..

Are you a Coffee addict?

Yes I am a coffee addict.I need atleast 1 cup a day..especially in the morning.You could smell that fresh coffee aroma from my kitchen early every morning. Otherwise I can drink few cups of coffee a day ( malam masih boleh Zzzzzz) tak kira time... besides coffee, I do love tea too..& most of my friend here never leave my home without having a mug of teh tarik first!  :wink: 

  I started drinking coffee since primary school and had since drink it every morning & afternoon coffee break!!!! Kalau tak minum kopi my brain cannot work and plan well, banyak buat salah kat keje, tak bersemangat dan mengantuk. Also very moody and tak ceria gitu. The aroma itself is as good as Vit C  

I got no problem when sleeping at all. Maybe its already in my blood, my datuk nenek dulu2 pun kemaruk kopi.

I pernah tonton satu rancangan at Discover Channel abt baby and reproduction. Surprisingly they discovered that regular male coffee drinker have very active sperm and it swims much faster and others!!
Sprinter boy...

Every morning, before start download Oracle, mesti otak pikir coffee...
(i want coffee 1st) baru la otak nih leh function....
Aroma pun sedap je bau...
i lloooiiikeee!!!